May pathways & PDUs @Top Golf Skybox

Power Skills

Albuquerque is recognized as “1 of 7 U.S. Cities that could be the Next Great Quantum Technology Ecosystem” but without understanding the commercial nature of Quantum technologies and fully utilizing the 21st century project professional role, this is unlikely. Quantum is a disruptive technology with clear goals (Quantum Internet and Computing) but no clear path. Normal filtering techniques do not work. Many pursuing vastly different approaches do not understand Quantum's commercial nature. Often, those we (governments, companies, VC, research centers) invest in have a limited knowledge of scaling, costs, technology project management and risks. A de-verticalized approach is required that allows different Quantum paths to emerge, mature, compete, be eliminated, and find groups of best alternatives. The ecosystem that captures the knowledge generated by these successes and failures will likely prevail. The 21st century technology project professional will be elemental in this process.

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Type of category: Nourish, Networking & Insights

Type of activity: Power Skills

Date: May 20th, 2024

Hour: 6:00PM to 8:00PM

Number of PDUs: 1


Students: $20.00

Members: $25.00

Non members: $35.00


Top Golf Skybox