December 8th Noontime Knowledge - Adaptive Project Management in Defense Environments: Insights from the Naval Aviation Warfighting Development Center (NAWDC) Training Initiatives

Ways of Working

Ben Elzner will focus is on the comprehensive project management approach employed in delivering advanced training at the Naval Aviation Warfighting Development Center (NAWDC). Elzner will provide an example project scope, objectives, timeline, and budget, while emphasizing its national importance in the NAWDC domain. In this example, he will outline the creation of a detailed project plan, resource allocation, and the complexities of managing a dispersed engineering team. Challenges such as integrating systems from different vendors, operating at various classification levels, and balancing stakeholder demands will also be addressed. The discussion also delves into the pressures of declaring Initial Operating Capability (IOC) while ensuring promised functionality is delivered. Elzner concludes with reflections on lessons learned and insights for future high-stakes projects, highlighting the pivotal role of adaptive project management in complex defense environments.

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Type of category: Noontime Knowledge (Virtual)

Type of activity: Ways of Working

Date: December 8th, 2023

Hour: 12:00PM to 1:00PM

Number of PDUs: 1


Students: Free

Members: Free

Non members: $20.00