Breakfast Tuesday Meeting - November 13, 2018

Part 1 of a 3-Part Series:   The “H” in PMI Project Management – Is it for H**L or Human Resources Management? 

Presented by:  Terry Trujillo

PDUs: 1

Let's face it, if we had all the answers, time, and energy to devote to every project implementation, we could be very successful working alone.  Unfortunately, project management does not require technical abilities, it also involves managing the project's human resources.  As we know, common causes of conflict in project management are:

  • 1) Schedules
  • 2) Project priorities
  • 3) Resources

To be effective in addressing these conflicts, project managers must be able to understand not only the human resources involved in their projects, but how they (project managers) react to the conflicts within their teams.  These trainings will help project managers evaluate the effectiveness of their own conflict management styles and offer tools to enhance and adapt (if necessary) their conflict resolution skills.

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Type of category: Morning Bite-Sized Learning

Date: November 13th, 2018

Hour: 7:00AM to 8:30AM

Number of PDUs: 1


Students: Free

Members: Free

Non members: Free


The Egg and I Restaurant