Chapter Dinner Thursday Meeting - August 16, 2018

Project Management and Change Management: They Go Together Like Chips and Salsa!

PDUs: 1.5

Presented by: Jillian Gonzales, MA

Organization outcomes only happen when individuals change. While project management provides the technical structure to move from current to future state, change management supports individual change. The application of a structured approach to facilitate the people side of change yields improved results to meet project objectives, reduce and mitigate resistance and build change resiliency. This presentation will introduce Prosci’s ADKAR model, a proven individual change model, and provide examples of how the relationship between Project Management and Change Management facilitates successful organization outcomes.
Presentation Objectives:
  • Articulate the importance of integrating the people side of change into project management initiatives.
  • Review an individual change model for use in project management.
  • Identify two benefits of building the relationship between project management and change management efforts.

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Type of category: Board Meeting

Date: August 16th, 2018

Hour: 6:00PM to 8:00PM

Number of PDUs: 0


Students: Free

Members: $30.00

Non members: $35.00


Sandia Resort & Casino