PMI-RGC Evening Pathways & PDUs

Don't miss PMIRGC Guest Speaker Laura Gonzales, PMP®, CGCIO, former CIO of Los Alamos County presentation on leadership,  "Leader or Superhero?"  Tonight Feb. 16th, 6-8pm at D.H. Lescombes Winery, 901 Rio Grande Blvd NW B100 Albuquerque, NM 87104


BIO: ​Laura Gonzales, PMP®, CGCIO®, was born and raised in Albuquerque, NM. She attended Southern Methodist University and obtained Bachelors’ degrees in Business Administration and English. During college she received scholarships to study in Madrid, Spain and at Oxford University in England as well as performing volunteer work with Amigos de las Americas in Ecuador. She attended Webster University and received a master’s degree in Computer Resource and Information Management and subsequently began a career spanning over 25 years in public sector Information Technology. She was Chair of the Board for REDI Net, a project to bring a fiber backbone to Northern New Mexico. She is on the ABET certification and curriculum committee for the Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science for Northern New Mexico College. She has worked with multiple higher education institutions on grants for technology programs. Laura is a certified Project Management Professional and a Certified Government Chief Information Officer. She retired as CIO of Los Alamos County and is currently a consultant for the State of NM. 

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Type of category: Nourish, Networking & Insights

Date: February 16th, 2023

Hour: 6:00PM to 8:00PM

Number of PDUs: 1.0


Students: $10.00

Members: $20.00

Non members: $35.00


D.H. Lescombes Winery, 901 Rio Grande Blvd NW B100 Albuquerque, NM 87104